Sun, March 30, 2025

Annual List Of 100 People To Watch

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As we run the 100th issue of the Business 360, we identify individuals and organisations that have over the past year disrupted the system, acted as trailblazers, whose names command attention, who are news makers, and who have progressed consistently in their respective fields. Some old and some new names have appeared on our list in the ten segments of People To Wach: Politics, Business, Arts, Sports, Innovation, Startups & New Businesses, Education, Professionals, Top CEOs and Changemakers. Some names are the regular suspects while others shine bright with tenacity and determination and just can’t be ignored. We realise that there are so many more individuals and organisations who could be on this list but we could only present ten in each category. This list celebrates the trials and triumphs of every individual present herewith and everyone outside of it who inspire our journey and quest to shine the spotlight on your work and achievements. We also have an additional ten names of Thought Leaders in the business arena who have contributed immensely in their areas of expertise, and these are the people who have not just carved a niche for themselves but paved the way for future generations. In the political segment, the names that are featured here are largely based on the news they have generated, their impact on public life and policy - some good, some bad and some insignificant. However, they are key players of the political arena. * Names in each category are presented in no particular order
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