Fri, October 18, 2024

242 companies listed at NEPSE until mid-October: NRB data

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KATHMANDU: A total of 242 companies were listed at Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) until mid-October 2022, according to the Current Macroeconomic and Financial Situation of Nepal issued by Nepal Rastra Bank. The report is based on three months’ data ending Mid-October, 2022/23. The companies listed at NEPSE include 146 banks and financial institutions (BFIs) and insurance companies, 59 hydropower companies, 19 manufacturing and processing industries, six investment companies, five hotels, four trading companies and three other companies.  The number of companies listed at NEPSE was 222 until mid-October 2021. Share of BFIs and insurance companies in stock market capitalisation is 68.6%, as per the central bank's report. Such a share for hydropower companies is 10.5%, investment companies 6.4%, manufacturing and processing industries 4.4%, hotels 1.7%, trading companies 0.4% and the share of other companies is 8.1%. The paid-up value of 6.82 billion shares listed at NEPSE stood at Rs 672.69 billion until mid-October 2022. Securities worth Rs 80.78 billion were listed at NEPSE during the three months of 2022/23. Such securities comprise government bonds worth Rs 35 billion, debenture worth Rs 25.44 billion, bonus shares worth Rs 9.29 billion, ordinary share worth Rs 6.57 billion, mutual fund worth Rs 3.27 billion and right share worth Rs 1.21 billion. Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) approved the total public issuance of securities worth Rs 9.39 billion which includes debenture worth Rs 4.24 billion, mutual fund worth Rs 3.15 billion, ordinary share worth Rs 1.05 billion and right share worth Rs 954 million in the review period.
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September 2024

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