Thu, October 3, 2024

KU begins Hult Prize OnCampus event with the theme ‘Redesigning Fashion’ 

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KATHMANDU: The Hult Prize OnCampus event, held annually at Kathmandu University, has begun this year with the theme 'Redesigning Fashion'. Hult Prize is an annual social entrepreneurship competition that challenges students to build businesses that contribute to solving a pressing social issue and be strong enough business ideas capable of making a profit. This year's theme challenges participants to create a for-profit social venture in the fashion or clothing industry. The competition is open to all graduate, undergraduate, MPhil, and PhD students and creative minds from any school and affiliated colleges of Kathmandu University. The participants' ideas must create a measurable positive impact on people and the planet and support the United Nations in meeting its sustainable development goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline. The event will be led by Heriz Bista, Campus Director, and his team of 30 OC members. It is also worth mentioning that Kathmandu University is the first university in Nepal to organise the OnCampus Hult event. Hult Prize is the world’s largest youth social entrepreneurship challenge and crowd-sourcing platform that challenges young students to solve the world’s toughest issues by empowering them to do good and make life better for millions of people through the creation of for-good social enterprises. It is also known as the Nobel Prize for the student. With a glorious history of starting the Hult Prize Challenge in Nepal for the first time back in 2016, every year Hult Prize at Kathmandu University has transformed university students all over Nepal into budding entrepreneurs with business concepts, learning opportunities, multi-disciplinary networking, and a focused pathway to changing the world. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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