Wed, October 2, 2024

COP27: An implementation summit

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KATHMANDU: COP27 has been regarded as the implementation summit of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The agreement, decisions and commitments made since the Rio Conference, 1992 to Glasgow 2021 (COP-26) will be featured prominently and pressure created especially upon the rich and developed countries for the implementation of the COP27. COP27 is being held in Sharm El Sheikh City of Egypt from November 6 to 18. It has also aimed at delivering inclusive and ambitious results based on the decisions and commitments made so far, reducing emissions, promoting adaptation initiatives and intensifying climate action globally. The Ministry of Forest and Environment has said the COP-27 will discuss thoroughly the pressing issues such as emission reduction, adaptation, climate finance, cooperation and loss and damages. Nepal is one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of climate change impact. Nepal has been facing temperature rise, unusual rains and snowfall, droughts, landslides, floods, and wildfires. This time, Minister for Women, Children and Senior Citizen, Uma Regmi, is leading the Nepali delegation to attend the global climate event. Information on this was shared by the Joint Secretary and Spokesperson at the ministry, Meghanath Kafle. The ministry expects that the event will be an opportunity for Nepal to have international coordination and collaboration to face the climate change risks. Nepal has been regularly attending the COP events and putting forth its issues and views prominently. Joint Secretary Kafle further informed that Nepal has finalized the status paper by holding adequate consultations with stakeholders and bodies at various levels. It would be presented in COP27. Similarly, Nepal has made positive initiatives for proper policy, law, institutional structures, financial management and programmes for boosting climate resilience so that international commitment and national needs would be addressed effectively. As part of such initiatives, Climate Change Policy, 2076; Environment Protection Act, 2076; and Environment Protection Regulation, 2077 are under implementation. Similarly, in line with Paris Agreement, second National Determined Contribution, National Adaptation Plan and Long-term Low Emission Development Strategy are also put into place. This time, Nepal has been prepared to raise the issue that global initiatives and ambition should be focused on addressing poor and vulnerable countries, communities and people based on the principle of fairness and equality. Similarly, identification and address of the problems faced by the Himalayan region and countries are equally important issues Nepal is raising, according to Joint Secretary of Climate Change Division at the Ministry, Dr Buddhi Sagar Poudel. Nepal demands that developed and rich countries revisit their long-term low carbon emission development strategy to maintain the rise of global temperature at 1.5° Celcius. READ ALSO:    
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September 2024

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