Wed, October 2, 2024

FAN welcomes govt’s decision to ban flower import

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KATHMANDU: The government has stopped the imports of flowers and garlands for Tihar festival this year, giving relief to domestic florists, farmers and customers. In the past especially during festivals including Tihar, the imports of flowers from outside the country had an impact on the market for domestic flowers. Last year, flowers worth Rs 110 million were imported from neighbouring India, the highest flower supplier to Nepal. The country is heading on the path to self-sufficiency in flower production. Floriculture has expanded to 44 districts in the country. Flower farming has been done on 178 hectares of land, said the Floriculture Association Nepal (FAN). At least 2.4 million garlands worth Rs 140 million are estimated for use for the festival this year. The surge in the production of flowers with timely rain this year has eliminated the need for the imports of flowers, said the FAN. Meanwhile, the FAN has urged customers not to use plastic flower garlands during festivals. "Farmers have done floriculture with the aim of selling flower garlands during Tihar. But, the use of plastic flower garlands has affected farmers. So, we have urged customers not to use plastic flower garlands," said the FAN General Secretary Bishwo Mani Pokharel. [caption id="attachment_29905" align="alignnone" width="1000"] A woman plucking globe amaranth also known as Makhamali flower, in full bloom in Gunduk, Suryabinayak Municipality-7, Bhaktapur district, on Sunday, October 23, 2022. Photo: RSS[/caption] It has been 25 years since floriculture started in the country. So far, over 42,000 people have been engaged in the business directly or indirectly. Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) President Shekhar Golchha said that although the future of floriculture is bright in Nepal, the investment in this sector was not forthcoming as expected due to policy-related problems. "There is a better prospect for flower cultivation and floriculture trade in Nepal due to its geographical diversity. Investment in floriculture will give decent returns. The flowers grown in Nepal can sell in the world under the 'Himalayan Flower' brand," Golchha said, adding that however big investment has not been coming in this sector. He urged the government to pay attention to policy reforms for attracting investment in this sector. FAN's former president Kumar Kasaju also echoed Golchha saying that Nepal has greater prospects for flower cultivation and its export. Deputy Director General of the Department of Agriculture, Hari Bahadur KC shared that investment has not been made much in floriculture to the expected level as the government's investment is concentrated in the food grain. Director of the Department of Plant Resources, Radha Kafle, said that chrysanthemum which can be grown all year round has been developed in Nepal. She added that the department has been partnering with FAN for promoting its cultivation. FAN president Min Bahadur Tamang urged the government to formulate the floriculture promotion policy to make it timely. According to him, the floriculture promotion policy has not come into implementation even at present. He said production of flowers is not enough to meet the growing demand in Nepal and flowers have to be imported at times due to the lack of technology to grow plants through tissue culture and hybrid seeds in the country. READ ALSO:  
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September 2024

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