Wed, October 2, 2024

SEJON, NBA collaborate on journalists’ capacity building programme on economic laws

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KATHMANDU: The Society of Economic Journalists-Nepal (SEJON) and Nepal Bar Association (NBA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the 'Capacity Building Programme on Laws and Regulations Regarding Economic and Financial Industry'. NBA Secretary General Anjita Khanal and SEJON General Secretary Bhagwat Bhattarai signed the MoU during a programme held at the NBA office in Ramshahpath, Kathmandu, on Wednesday.   As per the MoU, the NBA will provide experts and senior advocates related to the financial sector as resource persons for training while other management will be carried out by SEJON. At the programme, NBA Bagmati Province Vice President Hark Bahadur Rawal expressed his belief that such capacity development programmes will help in overall economic development. "Cooperation between professionals makes an important contribution to the country's economic and social development," he said. [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="full" ids="28305,28303"] Likewise, NBA Secretary General Khanal said that cooperation with SEJON will help the bar to prepare a list of experts in related subjects. She said further cooperation with SEJON will be continued in future. SEJON President Janardan Baral said that the training will be important for economic journalists in reporting and editing news stories about economic and commercial laws. "Developing the capacity of journalists on economic laws matters will improve the quality of journalism, which can contribute significantly to the economic development of the country," said Baral. Baral said after journalists learn from the programme, correct news stories will be disseminated which will also increase the quality and veracity of the news. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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