Wed, October 2, 2024

HoR endorses citizenship bill returned by President

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KATHMANDU: The House of Representatives has passed the Bill designed to amend the Nepal Citizenship Act, 2063 which was returned by President Bidya Devi Bhandari for consideration, without any changes. The HoR meeting on Thursday endorsed the bill. In the meeting, lawmakers put their views on the bill before going for a vote as demanded by the main opposition CPN (UML). Of the total 195 votes cast, 135 were in favour of passing the bill and the remaining 60 against it. Earlier on August 1, the bill was submitted to President Bhandari for authentication on August 1 after HoR and the National Assembly passed the Bill. However, on August 14, the President as per the Constitution of Nepal returned the bill citing it required a review. Now, the bill will be sent to the National Assembly for re-endorsement. The message from the President for a review of the bill will be tabled in NA's first meeting on August 22, said the Federal Parliament's spokesperson Rojnath Pandey. Following this, a message related to the bill from the HoR will be tabled and deliberation will begin, he added. Thereafter, the bill if passed by the NA will be sent back to the HoR. After House Speaker certifies the bill, it will be sent to the President for authentication. Although the President sent back the bill to both houses (HoR and NA) of parliament for a review, there is no room for its review again, and the bill has to be certified according to the constitutional provision, said legal experts. Senior advocate and constitution expert Chandra Kanta Gyawali said the constitutional provision has it that a bill that has been tabled before President after being passed by both houses should be authenticated. "President may return any bill for a review only for one time according to the Constitution. Now, there is no provision that the President can seek legal advice from the judiciary. It should be authenticated as per the legal provision." According to Article 113 (4) of the Constitution, in case of any bill returned by the President for a review, is again passed by both houses (HoR and NA) without any changes or amendments following its review, it shall be presented before the President again and it shall be authenticated by President within 15 days. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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