Tue, October 1, 2024

Padma Kanya Vidyashram becomes Nepal’s first school to introduce ‘beautician course’

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KATHMANDU: Padma Kanya Vidyashram Secondary School based in Dillibazar, Kathmandu has prepared to introduce Beautician course in the curriculum from grade nine to grade 12. This is the first time the beautician course has been introduced at the secondary level in Nepal. At a discussion programme jointly organised by the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC), Saundarya Kala Byawasayi Sangh, an association, and Padma Kanya School, the school principal, Rita Tiwari, said 'Beauty Art' subject was started with the permission of the concerned body with the objective of making students self-reliant and self-confident. Principal Tiwari said she was grateful to the association for its support in establishing the school as the first one to introduce Beauty Art subject. Speaking on the occasion, Kamala Shrestha, president of the association, said that she had struggled a lot to include the beautician course in the curriculum and was successful. [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="full" ids="24837"] "After repeated discussions with the school and various agencies, beautician course is finally included in the textbooks. It is not only a matter of happiness but also a way for the students to demonstrate their skills and become self-reliant," Shrestha said. Shrestha, who has spent a decade in this field, said that in the early days of her entry into the art of beauty, she was despised by the society and relatives and she decided to establish it so that no woman or student would face any problem in choosing the way of self-reliance in the future. She said, "Beauty is not only the subject of facial decoration but it is knowledge, it is scripture. Beauty is related to everything from facial decoration to a healthy body and physical exercise. ” She said that efforts are being made to establish Beauty Art in Nepal and she will continue to do so in the coming days by conducting more programmes and interactions. Khilanath Dhamala, section officer of the CDC, who was present at the discussion, said the efforts of the association and the school have been very fruitful. He said CDC will fully support the additional plans and programmes to be made in this regard. Parents and students also participated in the discussion programme. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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