Thu, July 4, 2024

Reborn By Choice

Dipika Budhathoki
Dipika Budhathoki June 6, 2024, 1:51 pm
A A- A+

Ankita Bhagat

Founder, Renaee

With environmental concerns and health awareness on the rise, the need for sustainable and comfortable menstrual products has never been more urgent. In a pivotal move, Ankita Bhagat founded Renaee, a company that goes beyond profit to striving to ignite a movement of empowerment and change. 

Bhagat’s journey is one of resilience, driven by her own experiences and a burning desire to make a difference. After completing her studies in Management, specialising in Marketing and International Business in India, Bhagat ventured into the corporate world working with Oracle as a Customer Success Manager. However, life took an unexpected turn, leading her back to Nepal in 2019. 

When the world was grappling with the challenges of Covid 19 pandemic, Renaee was born. Derived from the phrase ‘Reborn By Choice’, Renaee embodies Bhagat’s vision of empowerment, hope and change. But Renaee is not just a company; it’s a movement, a symbol of breaking taboos and fostering open conversations around menstruation and women’s health. 

Reflecting on her motivation to start Renaee, Bhagat shares, “My own struggles with menstrual health propelled me to create something meaningful. I wanted to offer women more than just a product; I wanted to offer them a choice, a chance to reclaim their health and dignity.” 

At the heart of Renaee’s mission lies its flagship product: an eco-friendly menstrual pad, meticulously crafted from bamboo and corn also certified from European Quality. Unlike conventional pads that often contain harmful chemicals and plastics, Renaee’s pads offer a safer, more sustainable alternative. 

Through five years of dedicated research, Bhagat and her team have perfected a product that not only ensures comfort and hygiene but also prioritises environmental sustainability. Bhagat explains, “Our pads are more than just a solution; they are a statement. By choosing natural, biodegradable materials, we are prioritising both women’s health and environmental sustainability.” 

The choice of materials is deliberate – bamboo and corn are renewable resources, free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. Moreover, they boast superior absorption and breathability, reducing the risk of infections and discomfort commonly associated with traditional pads. It offers the perfect balance of durability, sustainability and comfort. But the sustainability journey does not end there. Renaee’s pads are designed to decompose naturally, minimising their environmental impact. 

“From production to disposal, we strive to ensure that every aspect of our product aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility,” Bhagat affirms. Renaee’s commitment to environmental consciousness extends beyond its product design; even the packaging reflects a bold, unapologetic stance, and can be customised. Renaee also allocates 10% of its profits to initiatives aimed at empowering underprivileged students in Nepal. “This contribution goes beyond mere charity. It is an investment in the future of these children, providing them with opportunities of a brighter tomorrow,” she shares.

In a society where expensive food and luxury cosmetics often take precedence over essential health needs, Bhagat is redefining the norm. “It might sound blunt, but it’s time to reassess our priorities,” she emphasises. “Spending on quality menstrual products is not just an investment in personal health but also a proactive measure to avoid costly medical treatments down the line.” 

Launching a groundbreaking product in Nepal was not without its challenges, but Bhagat’s unwavering determination fuelled her journey. Looking back at Renaee’s beginnings, she recalls, “There were doubts and uncertainties but I knew deep down that Renaee had the potential to make a difference.” 

Initially introduced in limited quantities for market testing, Renaee’s pads gathered an overwhelmingly positive response, exceeding expectations within just a week of launch. Today, Renaee has expanded its reach through online platforms and is poised to enter physical stores, marking a significant milestone in its journey. But for Bhagat, success is not measured solely by sales figures; it’s about impact. “Our journey has only just begun,” she declares. “We are committed to reaching every corner of Nepal, empowering women with knowledge, resources and opportunities.”

Pads made from corn and bamboo also reflect a broader shift towards mindful consumerism and ethical manufacturing practices. By choosing products that prioritise sustainability and health, consumers play an active role in promoting positive change in the menstrual hygiene industry. Moreover, supporting brands that champion eco-friendly innovation encourages further research and development in this crucial field, ultimately benefiting both individuals and the planet. “Through Renaee, we are rewriting the narrative on women’s health, inspiring a generation to embrace their power and potential,” she asserts.

“It’s too early to share any success story,” Bhagat begins humbly, “But there’s one incident that deeply touched me and reaffirmed the purpose behind Renaee.” She recounts the tale of a concerned brother reaching out to her, driven by a desire to ease his sister’s menstrual discomfort. “He couldn’t bear to see his sister in pain,” Bhagat recalls, “So he reached out to me, having heard about Renaee’s pads.” The simplicity of this gesture belied its profound impact. “It’s moments like these that remind me of the real essence of our work,” Bhagat muses. “It’s not just about selling a product; it’s about fostering connections, empathy and empowerment.”

Bhagat also emphasises the importance of involving men in conversations surrounding menstrual health. “It’s not just daughters, sisters or mothers who should be involved,” she asserts. “Fathers, sons and brothers play a crucial role in supporting and advocating for menstrual health.” Bhagat’s father stands as a testament to this belief. “My father has been my biggest supporter,” she shares. “His unwavering encouragement has propelled me forward in this journey.” Grounded in the strength of familial bonds and a dedication to nurturing open conversations, Renaee epitomises the essence of unified empowerment and unity. 

Besides delivering menstrual hygiene products, Renaee aims to educate and empower communities, particularly in rural areas where access to such resources is limited. Collaborating with local organisations, Bhagat plans to launch campaigns and initiatives to raise awareness and provide sustainable solutions for women’s health. Through initiatives like community outreach programmes, educational campaigns and pad donation drives, Renaee strives to empower women with knowledge, dignity and choice.

Her vision extends even further. She envisions establishing manufacturing units in different districts, creating employment opportunities and driving economic growth from within communities. Renaee, for Bhagat, is not just a business venture; it’s a conduit for social, economic and environmental change. 

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JUNE 2024

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