Sat, June 29, 2024

Leapfrog Technology conducts IT workshop to empower future tech leaders

B360 June 26, 2024, 12:42 pm
A A- A+

KATHMANDU: Leapfrog Technology successfully conducted an IT workshop titled 'LeapEd' at Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus (GMMC) in Pokhara, Kaski district. 

The three-day comprehensive workshop held from June 19 to 21 aimed to empower the next generation of tech leaders.

As part of Leapfrog's corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme, this initiative provided impactful experiences for students, exposing them to various facets of the technology sector. The workshop witnessed participation from over 50 students enrolled in the Bachelor in Information Management (BIM) programme.


The first day commenced with an insightful overview of Nepal's IT industry, followed by a session on crafting effective resumes. Students were introduced to Agile methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban, through interactive activities that highlighted their practical applications in project management.

On the second day, participants delved into Design Thinking principles and the Double Diamond framework. Engaging in hands-on exercises, students created prototypes, fostering creativity and innovative problem-solving.

The final day covered Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Activities included generating AI-based images, testing object detection AI, and learning about site mapping and technical SEO. Students also gained insights into on-page and off-page SEO strategies, equipping them with essential skills for the digital age.

Dharma Raj Baral, Campus Chief at GMMC, expressed enthusiasm, 'When the Leapfrog team first approached us with the programme, I readily agreed to it. Our students were highly satisfied—I've never heard them clap so loudly. Some even arrived before the organisers, demonstrating their eagerness to learn.'

The young organising team served as an inspiring example for students, encouraging them to learn, lead, and grow. 

Samit Paudel, a BIM student in the 7th semester, praised the programme, 'We learned how projects work from inception to completion.'

Alina Gurung, a BIM student in the 4th semester, particularly enjoyed the interactive design thinking session. She remarked, 'We created things on chart paper, explored Planning Poker, and realised that a website requires SEO and marketing.'

Sayomi Prajapati, Senior Marketing and Communications Officer at Leapfrog, emphasised the programme's impact: 'With LeapEd, we aimed to share knowledge and industrial experience with students, but it went beyond that—we ended up creating new experiences together.'

Leapfrog expressed gratitude to GMMC, especially BIM Coordinator Suresh Baral, for collaborating with such enthusiastic and talented students. 

The company remains committed to fostering the next generation of tech leaders, contributing to the country's growth and development. 



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MAY 2024

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