Sat, October 5, 2024

'My leadership philosophy is grounded in servant leadership'

Dipika Budhathoki
Dipika Budhathoki June 30, 2024, 11:05 am
A A- A+

Nisha Onta is the Founder and Executive Director of Governance Lab. She is a gender and climate change expert with a decade of experience in managing research projects, capacity-building programmes, building women’s networks and advocating at national, regional and international levels. 

Onta has led policy research in South Asia and South East Asia related to climate change adaptation, livelihood diversification and gender and climate change. She has also participated and presented papers in various climate change workshops and conferences, and is actively involved in gender and climate change scholar networks. She has published papers and book reviews in peer-reviewed journals. Onta is also a guest lecturer for courses such as gender, environment and development guest lecturer for the Environment Development and Sustainability Interdisciplinary Programme in the Graduate School of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.

Onta was on the steering committee of the EmPower: Women for Climate Resilient Societies Project, which is a five-year project funded by SIDA and jointly implemented by UN Women and the UNEP. She is also the NGO representative for the Grow Asia Partners Advisory Council which is an independent advisory body comprising government agencies, non-profit entities, and non-government organisations representing a range of agriculture-based societal and environmental issues facing the region. Onta is also the Regional Coordinator for WOCAN. She has a PhD from Gender and Development studies from the Asian Institute of Technology. 

In this edition of Business 360, Nisha Onta shares with us the five things that have impacted her work and life. 

Respect is the most important quality 

As a child, I was very confident and ambitious, dreaming of a career in the army due to my fascination with authority and privilege. However, coming from a middle-class professional family, I soon realised that the army was not a viable path for me.

Over time, my professional journey took me to different parts of the world, including the US and Thailand. These experiences were transformative, allowing me to gain diverse perspectives and develop a robust skill set in gender and climate change. Despite the excitement and opportunities abroad, I felt a strong pull towards my home country, Nepal. Deciding to return to Nepal after two decades was a significant turning point in my life. It allowed me to apply my international expertise to local challenges, making a direct impact on my community.

One trait that has been invaluable both personally and professionally is being respectful. I believe respect is the most important quality one can possess. Leading every conversation and encounter with respect can resolve many issues, but it is also crucial to speak up against injustice and disrespect. As I matured, my perspective evolved. While I still value travel and new experiences, I have become more selective, focusing on opportunities that align with my core values and professional goals.
In reflecting on my journey, I realise how each phase of my life has contributed to my growth, both personally and professionally. From my ambitious childhood dreams to my varied professional experiences, and the profound impact of my family, each element has played a crucial role in shaping the person I am today.

Be mindful of people’s intentions 

Starting GovLab with my business partner Pukar Malla was a pivotal moment in my career. We aimed to create a niche for young policy researchers in Nepal, embodying the message that ‘there is hope in Nepal’. One of the best pieces of advice I received was from my father when I interned at an NGO in Nepal. He emphasised the importance of professionalism and being mindful of people’s intentions, a lesson that has been invaluable throughout my career. 

During my career, I have also had the opportunity to lead significant initiatives, such as the EmPower: Women for Climate-Resilient Societies Project. This five-year project, funded by SIDA and implemented by UN Women and UNEP, focused on enhancing the resilience of women to climate change. As a member of the Grow Asia Partners Advisory Council, I engage with various stakeholders, including government agencies and non-profits, to address agricultural and environmental issues in the region. Additionally, my role as the Regional Coordinator for WOCAN has allowed me to drive forward gender and climate agendas across multiple countries.
One of the most rewarding aspects of my journey has been mentoring others. Seeing the individuals I have mentored grow, succeed, and sometimes even return as colleagues is incredibly fulfilling. It reinforces my belief in the power of respect and support in professional relationships. 


Mt family, my inspiration

Family holds a place of utmost importance in my life. They have shaped my identity, inspired my aspirations, sometimes frustrated me, but always given me purpose. My greatest sources of inspiration are my parents. My father, who founded East Pvt Ltd, and my mother, who at 78 leads a care home for the elderly, has taught me the values of culture, service and professional achievement. 

My leadership philosophy is grounded in servant leadership, which emphasises authenticity, strong communication, integrity, compassion, empowerment, continuous improvement and prioritising others. This approach ensures that the needs of the team are always at the forefront, fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment. 

Taking the role of Executive Director at GovLab has both tested and refined my leadership skills, especially in the delicate balance of fostering organisational growth while ensuring team satisfaction and motivation. Central to my approach has been the cultivation of an inclusive culture where each team member feels valued and empowered to contribute to our shared success. While I don’t believe there is a single solution to achieving this, I’ve found that having a dedicated and respectful team is indispensable for overcoming any challenges that arise.

Integrating gender perspectives into climate change 

I remember feeling surprised at how little attention the intersection of gender and climate change was receiving. Everywhere we look, we can see gender issues affecting all parts of life, and it’s no different when it comes to climate change. Yet, despite this clear connection, there seemed to be a lack of focus on addressing these issues together. What struck me even more was the limited funding available for projects aimed at tackling gender and climate change. It felt like these crucial topics were being overlooked in development discussions.

Determined to bring these issues to the forefront of development conversations, I made it my mission to integrate gender perspectives into climate change research and policy-making. This was not just about adding a new dimension to the work; it was about asking critical questions like who is affected by climate change and why, and identifying the policy interventions that could help address these issues effectively. 

I believed that by highlighting the importance of gender in climate change discussions, we could create more effective and inclusive solutions. My goal was to advocate for greater funding and attention towards projects that addressed both gender and climate change, ultimately aiming to make a positive impact on communities affected by these interconnected issues.

In summary, my journey in gender and climate change advocacy is driven by a deep commitment to highlighting the critical intersections between these issues. It is about ensuring that the voices and experiences of all genders are included in the conversation and that our collective efforts lead to a more resilient and equitable world.

Belief in servant leadership

Living in the present, doing what I love, and respecting everyone are central to my life philosophy. I believe in leading by example and that a leader’s true measure is in their ability to serve others. This belief in servant leadership has guided me throughout my career, prioritising authenticity, effective communication, integrity, empathy, empowerment, continuous growth, and the wellbeing of others above all else.

Throughout my diverse career, I have learned the importance of staying grounded and honest about what is achievable, despite the allure of innovative projects. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new ideas and possibilities, but I have always found it crucial to remain realistic and focused on the tangible impact I can make. This approach has not only helped me manage my project effectively but also ensured that the goals we set are both ambitious and attainable. 

Looking back, I want to be remembered as someone who made a positive difference, leaving the world a little better than I found it. Whether through my work in gender and climate change, my efforts to build networks and advocate for underrepresented groups, or my commitment to fostering a supportive and respectful work environment, I hope my legacy will be one of integrity, dedication, and meaningful impact. My aspiration is to inspire future generations to continue this work, driven by the same values of respect, honesty, and a commitment to serving others. 

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September 2024

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