Tue, October 15, 2024

ADB approves $42m loan for coastal protection in India

B360 October 8, 2024, 12:18 pm
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MANILA: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced on Monday the approval of a $42 million loan aimed at protecting coastal and riverbanks, enhancing the resilience of local communities and natural ecosystems in Maharashtra, India.

The Maharashtra Sustainable Climate-Resilient Coast Protection and Management Project will implement solutions for coastal erosion and riverbank protection, including offshore reefs, sheet piles, beach nourishment, and vegetation planting to restore and stabilise the coastline.

Additionally, the ADB will assist in building the capacity of the Maharashtra Maritime Board in shore management planning by establishing a coastal infrastructure management unit.

The project will also support capacity building for stakeholders on gender equality and social inclusion, coastal management, and livelihood activities.

By RSS/Xinhua

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September 2024

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