KAVREPALANCHOK: Transport services on BP Highway have fully resumed from Wednesday, following permission granted by the Road Division Office, Bhaktapur. Previously, the Office had imposed a ban on vehicle operations for 10 hours each night since October 16, due to the risk of dry landslips and ongoing maintenance along an eight-kilometre stretch of the highway.
Vehicular movement had been halted from 6:00 pm to 4:00 am on the Dhulikhel-Bhakundebesi-Barkhekhola section of the BP Highway after recent landslides and flooding damaged the road. Passenger buses with permits for this route, as well as light vehicles, were operational through an alternative track constructed for the purpose.
The landslide and flooding had washed away more than eight kilometres of road at various points on the Bhakundebesi-Chaukidanda-Barkhekhola section towards Kavre. Thousands of vehicles use this route daily as it provides a shorter connection from eastern Nepal to the federal capital, Kathmandu.