BIRATNAGAR: Biratnagar Metropolitan City in Morang district has presented over Rs 3.28 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2023/24.
Deputy Mayor Shilpa Nirala Karki unveiled the annual estimate of revenue and expenses in the 12th Municipal Assembly of the Metropolis on Sunday.
Among the allocated budget, Rs 68 million has been set for administrative works including the operation of the offices while over Rs 1.65 billion for the development of physical infrastructures.
Furthermore, over Rs 39 million has been allocated for economic development. The health sector has received Rs 130 million budget while education has got Rs 670 million.
Similarly, over Rs 30 million for good governance and related sector while over Rs 27 million has been set for disaster management, it was shared.
Other allocations include a budget of Rs 380 million for major projects at the ward level while Rs 200 million has been allocated for those at the municipality level.
For the maintenance of the road, Rs 100 million has been allocated while over Rs 26 million has been set for the water purifier centre among others.
Published Date: June 26, 2023, 12:00 am
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