The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, has defined food security as a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. This entails that a country can be in a situation of food security if sufficient, safe and nutritious food is physically available to the people at all times, and is accessible and affordable to them. Essentially, the right to food has been established as a sovereign right of the people in many jurisdictions.
The Constitution of Nepal 2015 has mentioned ‘rights related to food’ in Article 36 under the chapter ‘Fundamental Rights and Duties’. The Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to food, the right to be safe from life-threatening food scarcity, and the right to food sovereignty. This means that people enjoy the right to choose their food system in production, distribution and consumption in a culturally appropriate, ecologically sound and economically sustainable manner.
The Constitution of Nepal also emulates the policy of the State regarding the basic minimum needs of the citizens. The policy aims at achieving sustainable production, storage, and secured and effective distribution of food, encouraging production in tune with climate, and soil conditions, and emphasising increased investment in the agriculture sector (Article 51.h).
Food security has been a concern for all countries as production is affected due to adverse weather and environmental conditions. Global warming and its impact on agricultural production are being debated in various international forums. The great financial crisis of 2008-09 hit many countries around the globe. It was associated with the fuel and food crisis, known as the Three F crisis. Fuel and food prices soared pushing many less developed countries in distress. Disruption in the supply chain during the Covid 19 pandemic, and the extended war between Ukraine and Russia, disrupted the supply chain of food grains and other essential goods. This has been further exacerbated by a year-long Israel-Palestine war that erupted in October 2023.
According to the FAO’s published data, global production of primary crops reached 9.5 billion tonnes in 2021. This figure mostly reflects the food production in large economies like the USA, China, India and Brazil. Food production in most third-world countries has been declining due to lack of irrigation facilities, deteriorating soil conditions caused by excessive use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, inadequate support to farming communities, and crop failure due to natural disasters and the infestation of diseases and pests. Less developed countries cannot match the subsidies and support provided to farmers in developed economies. In the case of Nepal, it is widely acknowledged that the subsidy provided does not reach the real farmers. Rather, the party workers and middlemen embezzle the government funds in the name of subsidy to farmers.
Nepal was not only self-reliant in the supply of cereal crops during the 1970s and 80s, but also produced additional quantity of rice for export. Seven rice exporting companies were established as joint venture entities of the government and private sector during the late 70s. Rice dominated the export basket of Nepal and the agriculture sector's contribution to export was around 65%. The production and export of food crops started declining after the 1990s and new agricultural products like tea, coffee, large cardamom, ginger, dairy products and medicinal herbs were added to the export basket. On the contrary, the import of basic agricultural products increased at a faster pace by the turn of the century which is attributed to declining productivity, exodus of large numbers of the young workforce for employment abroad, and inadequate government intervention and support in agricultural development. The following table shows the import of some basic food crops over the last four years.
The availability of basic food in sufficient quantity and acceptable quality is the primary requirement for food security. Global warming has a multifold impact on crop production. Drought and heat waves normally result in lower crop yield. Heavy and erratic rainfall, flooding and landslides contribute to the loss of farmland and crops. Nepal experienced the devastating effects of loss of human life and crops following the heavy downpour in September 2024.
Accessibility and affordability are the next important factors in ensuring food security. Establishing a resilient supply chain network that is efficient and effective in the delivery of essential supplies round the year, can provide assurances and create confidence in the food chain. People should have the means and income to purchase the food if they do not produce on their own. Adoption of climate-resilient agricultural practices and crop insurance programmes against natural disasters like floods, landslides, the infestation of pests and diseases, heat waves, and drought, can protect farmers against the evils of climate change effect.

The third element of ensuring food security is associated with meeting the nutritional requirements of the people. Scientists are researching crop species that can resist heat waves, be grown in arid conditions, and are rich sources of nutrients required for human health. Different varieties of crops like barley, buckwheat, wheat, oat and lentils are grown in the mountainous areas of Nepal. However, local people are not fully aware of the health benefits related to the consumption of these local products. Rather, they prefer food grains imported from outside or from the plain areas. People in the highland areas should be encouraged to consume local products that are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins.
The way forward
Ensuring food supply and food security is the primary task of the government as also guaranteed by the Constitution of Nepal. So, the imperatives lie in increasing production of basic food and enhancing the productivity of the farming business. This requires increasing the area of irrigated land, ensuring the timely availability of agricultural inputs, reducing post-harvest losses, creating a transport network between farmland and markets, and developing cold warehouses for the preservation and extended use of perishable agricultural goods.
Agricultural research institutions like Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) should focus on the development of drought-resistant varieties of crops. Similarly, emphasis should be given to the promotion of high-value crops like tea, coffee, large cardamom, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs that can bring more export earnings and income to the farmers. There is also a need to educate people on adjusting their food habits in favour of consuming local produce rather than imported products.
Terai or the low-lying plain areas is the food basket of Nepal where vulnerability to floods is high. The water table is going down due to deforestation in the Churia hills. Land degradation has been a persistent problem due to soil erosion and depletion of water sources. Climate change is affecting the maturity period of crops, yield and quality of the products
A comprehensive plan should be developed and executed. The plan should focus on preventive measures, adaptation, mitigation and emergency operations, to combat the scourge of climate change. The ministries and related organisations of agriculture, environment and supplies should collaborate to develop and implement such a plan. Intervention is required to maintain a climate-friendly value chain from the farm to the table that focuses on increasing production, reducing losses and waste, and establishing an efficient delivery system.