Anshika Sharma, a Nepali residing in Sydney, Australia, was crowned Miss Universe Nepal 2020. Miss Nepal Universe 2017 Nagma Shrestha, National Director of Miss Universe Nepal, crowned the 24-year-old at an event held on December 30. Sharma won a cash prize of Rs 10 lakhs and a chance to participate in the Miss Universe pageant. Sharma, who calls herself an advocate for education and a go getter, also won the subtitle of Miss Fierce.
Likewise, Sujita Basnet, a non-resident Nepali residing in the US, became the first runner-up, Nina Kant Mandal, a mental health advocate and professional model from Moscow, Russia was named the second runner-up, Dr Dikta Thapa from Chandragiri became the third runner-up while Nancy Khadka from Biratnagar was the fourth runner-up.
The grand finale that saw top 18 contestants on the stage were judged by a panel of judges comprising of former Miss Nepal and media person Malvika Subba, CEO of Mega Bank Anupama Khunjeli, actor Usha Rajak, international holistic health and transformation specialist Prerana Shah, Editor of Business 360 and WOW Charu Chadha, and artiste Abhaya Subba. The Top 10 were selected from Top 18, which was followed by the selection of Top 5 based on judges selection and public votes.
This is the first time Miss Universe Nepal has been conducted as an independent event, separate from Miss Nepal.
Published Date: January 18, 2021, 12:00 am
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