Robotics Association of Nepal has successfully made the first test of Food Carrying Robot at Teaching Hospital in coordination with Teaching Hospital’s Biomedical Engineer.
The testing information was transferred to Director Dr. Prem Krishna Khadga and the team from RAN was taken to an isolation room where they held conversation with nurses in charge of the room and who are the ones exposed to COVID19 patients. Prithvi Chaudhary, the team lead of Robonauts, gave a demo on how to operate the Robot and transport food to each of the beds.
Richan Joshi, Oztec taught the nurses how to use the Robot with FPV set, how to control it so that even healthcare professionals could operate it for food delivery. Pankaj Japrel, Kantibir made the coordination possible with the team at Teaching Hospital and successfully navigated the Robot in the isolation ward. Minister of Health and Population, Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal was also given a demonstration.