Himalayan Bank concluded its 27th AGM which was chaired by the Chairman of the BOD, Manoj Bahadur Shrestha. The AGM decided to provide 10% bonus share and 12% cash dividend on the paid-up capital to shareholders. After issuance of the bonus shares, the Bank’s paid-up capital will be Rs. 9.372 billion. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Manoj Bahadur Shrestha, Chairman of the Bank, presented the Bank’s Annual Report for the fiscal year 2018/19 informing that the Bank’s total deposit base has reached Rs. 113.09 billion during the period under review, recording a growth of 13.38% over the previous year. Similarly, the loans and advances reached Rs. 98.21 billion recording a growth of 13.08%.
Prachanda Bahadur Shrestha, Faisal N. Lalani, Tulasi Prasad Gautam, Sunil Bahadur Thapa and Ashish Sharma were elected unopposed to the post of Directors representing Promoter Shareholders.