Skill Week 2020, an event organised by Glocal, ended with a closing ceremony at Soaltee Crown Plaza on January 27 in the presence of prominent entrepreneurs, government diplomats and over 100 aspirant enthusiasts. The event was organised by Glocal with the aim to collaborate with industry, educators and government to engage and promote extensive skilling opportunities and showcasing emerging skills ranging from business, services, technology to art and culture. Under Skill Week 2020, various programmes designed for youth with several training, interactions, workshops, competitions and exposure to skill development were held from January 20 to 26 at different locations in the Kathmandu Valley.
Hundreds of youth witnessed first ever Skill Fest in the town to celebrate skills on a common platform. The event showcased four distinct skill areas: Art and Culture, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality and Science and Technology.
Four veterans were honoured with the award of Nabil Skill Hero.
Chairperson of Dwarika’s Hotel, Ambika Shrestha; Nepali actor, Mithila Sharma; Chairman of Team Quest, Nakim Uddhin; and Founder of F1 Soft International, Biswas Dhakal were honoured for their contribution.