The 14th Samsung Digital Plaza under the wings of Him Electronics started operation from June 13 in Butwal. Samsung Digital Plazas are exclusive Samsung showrooms where the brand’s latest digital products like TVs, Mobiles and other appliances are displayed and sold.
Increasing demand in the market for high end Samsung products prompted Him Electronics to seek partnership with Bhagawati Multi Suppliers to set up the store in Butwal. Proprietors of Bhagawati Multi Suppliers, Sapan Pandey and Top Bahadur expressed their excitement to be associated with Samsung.They have committed to improve the customer experience at stores and raise the bar for customer care in Butwal saying they are confident to win the hearts of customers in and around Butwal.
“Him Electronics has been at the forefront of the consumer electronics business in Nepal since the past 30 years. It has continuously invested in the market to give better facilities and services to the Nepalese consumers. We are proud to be opening the 14th Samsung Digital Plaza in Butwal. Though we would have liked to open Samsung Digital Plazas faster and earlier, we are happy to have this opportunity to serve our consumers in Butwal once again. We would like to thank all our partners for their support and wish Bhagawati Multi Suppliers a very successful future,” said the communiqué from the company.