Huawei launched its P30 series: Huawei P30 Pro, P30 and P30 Lite, on April 7 at Hotel Yak & Yeti. The phones are available in the market priced at Rs. 1, 19,900 for P30 Pro, Rs. 84,900 for P30 and Rs. 39,990 for P30 Lite.
The company has also tied up with Nabil Bank, Machhapuchchhre Bank, Mega Bank, Kumari Bank, Siddhartha Bank, Global IME Bank, Century Bank, NIC Asia, NMB Bank and Nepal Investment Bank for EMI facilities at 0% interest rate. According to the press statement, the Huawei P30 series builds on the Huawei P Series DNA in design and groundbreaking photography and is the company’s most advanced series of smartphone cameras. The P30 series feature the innovative Huawei SuperSpectrum Sensor, an optical SuperZoom Lens, a new HUAWEI Time of Flight (ToF) Camera, and enhanced optical and AI image stabilisation technology.