Ncell launched an attractive new offer named ‘Recharge and Win’ on September 1 under which 10 lucky customers of Ncell can each win cash prize of Rs 100,000 every week for 10 weeks. The offer, launched in the prelude of the fast approaching festive season, came into effect from September 2 and will remain in place for 10 weeks. It will be implemented in a weekly cycle, beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday. All prepaid and post-paid customers of Ncell who use recharge of Rs. 100 or more in a week will get a chance to win the prize every week. Customers will receive a random unique code by Monday of the following week for every cumulative refill of Rs. 100. Ten lucky weekly winners will be selected every Tuesday through lucky draw, which will be held live at AP1 Television at 7 pm in presence of celebrities. And winners will be handed over with the cash prizes every Thursday.