On 26 August 2018, Yunus Social Business Centre, King’s College, Kathmandu conducted its annual ‘Yunus Social Business Challenge 2018’ at Yak & Yeti Hotel Kathmandu. Yunus Social Business Center is one among 48 centers working globally, initiated by Nobel Laureate Prof. Mohamad Yunus, also the founder of Grameen Bank.
YSBC contest’s main aim is to promote social entrepreneurship by encouraging the youth to devise innovative business ideas that could be shaped into sustainable ventures through incubation, facilitation and financial support.
The event commenced with opening remarks by Narottam Aryal, ED/ Principal of King’s college followed by keynote speech by Ashutosh Tiwari, MD, Safal Partner. The chief guest of the event was the Honorable Gokarna Bista, Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security.
After a brief presentation by the contesting participants, a panel discussion on ‘Roles of Social Entrepreneurs in helping Nepal achieve SDGs by 2030’ was conducted.
Among the presenters “Hariyo Paat, Sabaiko Saath” bagged the prize for the thematic area “Women and Food’. Runners-up for thematic ‘Jury’s Special’, ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ and ‘Renewable Energy’ were awarded to ‘Whpedia’, ‘Your Agriculture Products’ and ‘Waste Recyclers’ respectively. The winner and the recipient of 1 Lakh cash prize of the 3rd Social Business Challenge 2018 was awarded to ‘Revive’.
The event concluded with the signing of MoU between Orchid International Challenge and Samriddhi College for Business Incubation Service.