Satya Mohan Joshi revealed Kul Chandra Gautam’s memoir Global Citizen from Glumi – My Journey from the Hills of Nepal to the Halls of the United Nations published by Nepalaya publications among a special ceremony in Kathmandu on 7 August.
Gautam’s memoir is about the journey of a rural boy from Nepal’s remote hills to the high office of the United Nations. He was a witness to major world events unfolding at the turn of the century due to his tenure at the UN. He was fortunate to collaborate with many world figures, whose actions have greatly influenced the world we live in today.
The book covers Gautam’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming the Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF and Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.
In the preface of the book, President Bidya Devi Bhandari mentioned, “Very few Nepalis have been able to make an impact on the world stage. His contribution under UNICEF has made the world a safer place for children and mothers.” Pointing out Gautam’s contribution to Nepal, she stated, “His experience can help Nepal make up for lost time in its efforts for economic growth and equity. His involvement in Nepal’s peace process also helped the society to abandon the recourse to violence in politics. The story of his life can be a beacon for others to follow.”
The paperback edition of the 547-page book is priced at Rs.895 and the hardback edition is priced at Rs. 1,395. The book is also being released worldwide on Kindle and POD (print on demand) through