Team Stairclimbing Wheelchair from Institute of Engineering Thapathali Campus grabbed Rs1 lakh as a winning amount of the competition organised on 30 July. The event was organised by PAC Asia in association with Macquarie University and designed by Glocal Pvt. Ltd.
The video with the concept to solve the problems faced by differently-abled while overcoming some architectural barriers such as stairs, curbs on roads, stairs in front of local shops, etc which was made by the team of 3 members: Sarozh Maharjan, Rupendra Aryal, Ramesh Kumar Shrestha won the competition.
30 teams from 15 colleges submitted their videos in the theme “Future Engineers Shaping Nepal” for the competition. Winner of the competition was selected by the panel of jury as per the evaluation criteria i.e. 70% by idea, concept and content of the video and 30% by collection of likes in social media of their videos.
During the event held at Hotel Mulberry, Country Manager of South Asia of Macquarie International, Riasat Hussain shared, “All the innovative videos were impressive and we are happy to support them.”