Global Shapers Kathmandu Hub handed over a newly constructed school wing to Shree Ganesh Secondary School in Budanilkantha on July 6. The occasion was marked by a formal ceremony presided by the Member of Parliament Gagan Thapa. Other dignitaries present during the inauguration were Uddhav Kharel, Mayor of Budanilkantha, Bhimsen Khatri, Parliamentarian from Province 3, Aashmi Rana, Young Global Leader, community leaders, teachers and the Principal of Ganesh Secondary School.
The school was conceived by the Global Shapers after the Gorkha earthquake and they wanted to ensure that the school was rebuilt in a safe way with modern facilities for its students. They raised money for the school through donations from various institutions and individuals such as Reliance Group Nepal, MC Group, Qatar Airways, NIC Asia, and NIBL Bank. A big part of the money, USD 150,000 was raised through an online campaign.