Nabil Bank has inaugurated three new branches in Birendrnagar (Surkhet district), Tikapur (Kailali district) and Lamahi (Dang district). The bank’s Birendranagar branch, was jointly inaugurated by Chief Minister of Karnali Province, Mahendra Bahadur Shahi and Chairman of the Bank, Shambhu Prasad Poudyal. Similarly Tikapur and Lamahi branches were inaugurated by Shambhu Prasad Poudyal, Chairman of the Bank.
“The newly opened branches will be providing full fledged banking services to its customers. Being one of the leading banks of the nation, Nabil Bank, in its continuous effort to cater to the banking needs of large and widespread sections of the society, has been expanding its network in various regions of the country” said Officiating CEO Anil Keshary Shah.
Nabil Bank provides services through a wide domestic network of 62 branches, 109 ATMs, more than 1500 Nabil Remit agents throughout the nation and many correspondents across the globe.