Micromax has launched two new phones- X409 and Q353. The X409 model comes with 1.8” screen, front and rear VGA camera, dual Sim, 800 mAh battery and additional features of FM radio, voice call recording, music player and video player. It is priced at Rs 1,025. The company also provides 100 days replacement warranty.
Billed as one of the finest premium smartphones, the Q353 powered by 1.3GHz quad-core and features 1GB of RAM, has a 5.0 inch HD display with a resolution of 720*1280 pixels and 2000mAh battery. It comes with a high-resolution 5MP primary camera, as well as a front-facing 5MP camera for selfies. As the phone is built with a sturdy 1.3 GHz Quad-core Processor, one can rest assured that it is one of the best phones to own which will undoubtedly run fast and smooth. The phone comes in handy with its 5MP primary camera and 5MP front facing camera. It is based on 7.0 Nougat operating system. The phone is powered with 2,000 mAh removable battery which gives full satisfaction to the customers in watching videos, playing games and others multiple uses; and supports 3G network, with dual normal and micro SIM support. It is priced at Rs. 6,820.
Published Date: April 22, 2018, 12:00 am
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