OnePlus introduced the OnePlus 5T, the latest in its lineup of premium flagship smartphones. With this new device, OnePlus is further demonstrating its mission to share the best technology with the world. The OnePlus 5T is the company’s most competitive product to date, offering key hardware and software updates inspired by the active OnePlus community, including a higher resolution, 18:9 display, enhanced low-light camera performance, and numerous new software features. Oneplus introduced the Oneplus 5T in 2 models of 64 GB and 128 GB. Ncell customers will get 200 MB promotional data pack per week for 12 weeks.
The OnePlus 5T features the highest resolution dual-camera system on a smartphone today for clearer photos than ever before. Dash Charge, OnePlus’ industry-leading charging technology, gives users a day’s power in half an hour. The Qualcomm, Snapdragon 835 platform, coupled with up to 6 GB& 8 GB of RAM, provides a smooth user experience at a lower power consumption rate. The OnePlus 5T also supports 34 GSM network bands, keeping users connected around the world.
“The OnePlus 5T showcases our obsessive attention to detail and our focus on delivering the best user experience possible,” said Dhirendra Kushwaha, Marketing Manager of iHub Pvt. Ltd. “We have applied this approach to all aspects of the OnePlus 5T. For example, the dual camera provides some of the clearest photos on the smartphone market today and gives users more control to take stunning photos in all conditions. Once again, we’ve worked hard to refine every last detail.”
The OnePlus 5T is available online and through retail stores across the country. The cost of 64 GB is just Rs.64,900 and 128 GB is just Rs. 72,900.
Published Date: January 21, 2018, 12:00 am
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