Micromax, hand set manufacturer from India, has recently launched its new phone, Q397, Android 6.0 Marshmallow in the Nepali market. According to the company, Q397 is powered by 1.3 GHz quad-core processor, and features 1GB RAM, so one can be assured that it runs fast and delivers smooth operation. "You can click a million beautiful photos, anytime, anywhere, as the phone comes with a high-resolution 8 MP primary camera with flash, as well as a front-facing 2 MP with flash camera for selfies, states a press release which says that the new hand set also has a 5.5 HD IPS (720 —1280) display and bluetooth. The company further claims that users never run out of storage space with the Q397 as it comes loaded with a 1 GB RAM and 16 GB ROM which is expandable up to 32 GB through micro SD card. Built as one of the finest premium smart phones, it is based on Android Marshmallow 6.0 operating system and is priced at Rs. 10,560.