Samsung Nepal has recently launched its Tizen-powered smartphone, Samsung Z2. Built on the Tizen platform, Samsung Z2 caters to the requirements of new smartphone users transitioning from a feature phone. “Driven by the success of Z1, and taking forward the smart, fun and simple attributes of Tizen platform, Samsung Z2 has been customised to offer unique value to the Nepali consumers”, says the company press release according to which the device comes with powerful specifications, pre-loaded essential apps and Samsung’s popular features such as the Ultra Data Saving mode, S bike mode and Ultra Power Saving Mode.
“Samsung Z2 is relevant to the unique needs of feature phone users and first time smartphone buyers,” Pranaya Ratna Sthapit, Head, HHP Division, Samsung Nepal, says, “It brings consumers a fast and affordable mobile bundled up with powerful hardware and localised features for Nepali consumers.” It is priced at Rs 7,290 and available in two colours – Gold and Black.