Cathay Pacific Airways and Dragon Air have jointly announced the introduction of an enhanced baggage policy aiming at benefiting passengers from increased check-in allowances and generally lower excess baggage charges.“Under the revised weight system policy, all passengers, regardless of their class of travel, will enjoy an additional 10kgs allowance for check-in baggage,” says a press release issued by the airline companies, “Marco Polo Club Silver, Gold and Diamond members will benefit from an extra 10kgs, 15kgs and 20kgs respectively” In line with global industry standards, the zoning of excess baggage charges will also be adjusted. The new zone combinations will see an extensive reduction of charges of up to 40 percent. According to the release, to improve check-in efficiency and reduce queuing time at airports across the airlines’ networks, the revised baggage policy will follow a weight system with piece count. “Passengers in Business Class, Premium Economy Class and Economy Class will be entitled to check-in two baggage items free of charge,” adds the release, “First Class passengers will be entitled to check-in three baggage items free of charge while Marco Polo Club Gold and Diamond members will be entitled to check-in one additional item on top of their travel class allowance.”