Tue, July 30, 2024

Youths stage demo against corruption at Maitighar Mandala

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KATHMANDU: A group of independent youths staged a demonstration to raise awareness against corruption and voice their concerns over corrupt leaders and governing system, in Maitighar Mandala, Kathmandu, today. Around 150 participants attended the event, and the organisers were not associated with any organisation or political party. The programme featured recitations of poems, songs, and slogans against corruption, which were the major highlights of the event. The organisers, including Bhawana Raut, Dr Govinda KC, Nathan Rayan, and Sasmit Pokharel, Saroj Gautam, Dipesh Giri came together to make the programme a success. The organisers of the event emphasized the need to address corruption and its impact on Nepal's development. They called on the government and the leaders to take swift and meaningful action to tackle corruption and ensure transparency and accountability in governance. [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="full" ids="36400,36401,36398"] Bhawana Raut, one of the organisers of the event, spoke passionately about the need to combat corruption in Nepal and the steps that could be taken to eliminate it. In her address, she emphasized the importance of the government taking a serious stance in tackling corruption and action against corrupt people. According to Raut, corruption is a major obstacle to Nepal's development and progress. She demanded the government take swift and meaningful action to curb corruption and ensure accountability in governance. Raut also urged the leaders to act responsibly and take the necessary steps to eliminate corruption, which was hampering the country's growth. Furthermore, Raut mentioned that corruption was affecting the most vulnerable members of society, including the poor, who were deprived of basic services due to corruption in the system. She stressed the importance of addressing the issue to ensure that the benefits of development reach all sections of society. Lawmaker Asim Shah addressed the gathering and urged the youth to come forward and raise their voice against corruption. He emphasized that every individual, regardless of their sector or background, should not delay in raising their voice against corruption and corrupt people. Shah stressed taking a stand against corruption, which he viewed as a significant obstacle to Nepal's development. He stressed the need for all lawmakers to speak out against corrupt people in parliament and push for necessary actions to be taken against them. According to Shah, corruption has caused significant damage to Nepal's economy and society. He highlighted the importance of combating it effectively. He urged the youth to take a leading role in fighting corruption and encouraged them to continue to speak out and demand accountability from leaders and the governing system. Furthermore, Shah mentioned that it was the responsibility of every citizen to contribute to the fight against corruption. He called for unity among all sections of society to tackle this issue and ensure that Nepal could achieve its potential as a prosperous and developed country. Corruption has long been a major issue in Nepal. Despite the various measures taken by the government to curb corruption, it continues to be a persistent problem that undermines the country's development. Nepal ranked 117th with 33 points out of 100 in Transparency International’s 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index, which means the country is highly corrupt. [gallery size="full" link="file" ids="36399,36396,36397"] The youths of Nepal are increasingly taking stands against corruption and are demanding accountability from the leaders and governing system. The recent programme organised by the independent youth group is an example of the growing awareness among the young population of Nepal to fight against corruption and bring about positive change in the country. Likewise, the participation of young people in such initiatives gives hope for a brighter future for the country, and the need to address the issue of corruption cannot be ignored if Nepal is to achieve sustainable development. READ ALSO:
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JUNE 2024

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