Fri, October 18, 2024

Boost Your Wellbeing

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The DNA of survival is no secret and inherent human wisdom is more intrinsic than extrinsic. But as we evolved, made technological advancements, increased our longevity, we have somehow also managed to severe the connection with our inner wisdom. All animals in the wild know exactly what they need to stay healthy and fit. But we however find ourselves struggling. Today more people are victims of so called lifestyle diseases. One rarely questions why they reached that stage. It’s easier to pop pills than to work on reversing the self-inflicted damage or to optimize on health.

Why are some people young at 80 and some old at 20? Here I am not talking about mere physical appearance but the sense of joy and ease with which one lives life.

If only medicine was the answer, there would be better health all around but today hospitals and pharmacies are a growing industry. And in the rush of life we are seeking quick solutions. Just like with everything else in life, our health and wellbeing also comes with a commitment… you must commit to yourself with the sheer recognition that our bodies are the engines that allow us to experience this life. And the better your body, the better your state of mind, and the better your experience of this life.

Below I have listed a few acts of wellbeing that you can incorporate into your lifestyle with ease and immediacy:

30-40% of your body is made of muscle mass, 206 bones and three energy systems… your body is designed to move and the health and the function of the body to the cellular level is dependent on movements. Find ways to be and stay active as much as you can. It is also important to make regular exercise a part of your daily routine. There is a difference between physical activity and exercise. It is important to understand that although exercise is a physical activity, it is a focused approach to increasing your functional and processing capacity.

On average a human being consumes about 35 tons of food in a lifetime. Food satiates and fulfils our physical, emotional and psychological needs. While food is meant to nurture, nourish and fuel our body, human beings today eat much more than required and foods that may not necessarily be good for us. Our digestive environment is more alkaline based, however we tend to consume foods which are acidic and processed, and therefore most people today suffer from digestive issues. We should eat more plant based foods, seasonal and fresh foods and eat to mild fullness and only when we are hungry.

On average we sleep for one thirds of our life. Sleep is important because it helps repair, recuperate, recharge our body systems and resets you to keep going. No one can force you to fall asleep unless you are on sedatives. The prerequisites to sleep has to be correct. Sleep deprivation and disorders are on the rise especially in urban settings. A balanced lifestyle and relaxed mental state are key to good quality sleep. You must ensure that you get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted and quality sleep each night. Here again it is the ability to listen to your body and formulate and adhere to habits that enhance your wellbeing.

You mind is the key to almost all of the things that are going on in your life, the choices you make, how your body functions and how you feel each day, how you perceive things and respond and react to them. Find ways to create clarity and improve your state of mind such that you are able to feel in sync with your surroundings and in control of your life. A few minutes of meditation and awareness practice every day is beneficial to your wellbeing. Again this is not something you can do sporadically, you must commit to cultivate a better sense of wellbeing and mindfulness.

All the above aspects are complementary to each other. No singular aspect can compensate for the other. It is important that we start with small steps in the right direction to enjoy more fulfilling lives.

Sandesh Palungwa Limbu, Certified professional fitness instructor, founder of RAGE Fitness, and specialises in mixed martial arts.

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September 2024

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