[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Business is guided by profit, but sometimes business is also guided by the heart. Ethics, honesty and human values are at the core of business for Basant Kumar Chaudhary, Chairman of BL Conglomerate. “Money should never supersede human values, I strongly beleive this should be taught to everyone,” he asserts. And despite the cut throat mechanics of the market, Basant Chaudhary has stayed at the top of his game by investing in businesses that are meaningful, make a difference, and create a better value system.
Basant Chaudhary is recognised widely as a literauteer, lyricist and a aficionado of the arts. Business comes as complementary to these passions. He has investments in health, education and agriculture sectors primarily; businesses that put emphasis on actual human needs and their delivery. “These are the areas where you can do business under the guidance of your heart, without compromising your dignity,” he states adding, “business with honesty gives slow growth yet a solid foundation that ensures success in the long term”.
The Chaudhary name is synonymous with business in Nepal, and his brother Binod Chaudhary was recognised as Nepal’s first billionaire on the Forbes list in 2015. They are three brothers and each diversely different in their approach to business. Basant Chaudhary was compelled into business at 16 years of age. He remembers, “I was forced into the business. It was purely a compulsion”. After their father suffered a heart attack and took backseat from active business, it was left to the sons to take charge.
He reminisces “I was different. I had a different thought process. And when you have such difference in thinking, conflicts are certain so obviously there were lots of conflicts and dissatisfaction in the initial days but my approach and my thinking towards business was in the same direction it is today”. Chaudhary also feels that had he been allowed to do business the way he wanted within the family conglomerate, he could have grown fivefold. He ventured into his own only in 1988.
He is a force to contend with in the healthcare sector. He established Norvic Interntaional Hospital and paved the way for private investments into the health care sector which has brought remarkable relief, access and advancement in healthcare industry standards. It started with a personal journey when his father suffered a heart attack and the lack of proper equipment and facilities made him mull over what the general population had to undergo when even well to do families had to struggle with the basics.
BL Conglomerate embraces the names of his grandfather and father, Bhuramal and Lunkaran Das Chaudhary. Basant Chaudhary revers his father and appreciates the CG philosophy given by his father, but has added his own values to the businesses he operates. “Any business that does not do good for society is just a money making tool,” he elaborates on his philosophy.
He shares that one often has to have a heart of rock to do business, “The fundamental of business is to make profits. And when it comes to making money, you may have to compromise on your ethics. Its difficult for an honest person with moral standards to do business. And my nature does not allow me to be either cunning or ruthless.” But Chaudhary found the balance when he took social responsibility at the core of his business. Yes, he must make money just as any other business, but his ventures reflect a thoughtfulness and larger good. He says, “In the past two decades, the country has witnessed a number of highs and lows. Businesses have suffered. My ventures have never fallen victim be it to trade unionism or other detriments of business”.
According to Chaudhary, there is no end to money. Business corrupts and entices people to go far in pursuit of money and in the process, they trade off human values for profit. He is satisfied that he has created strong perimeters of achievement. “People know me for my honesty. No amount of money can earn you this supreme gratification,” he declares.
Humility is also at the heart of the life lessons Chaudhary received from his father. “When I was a kid, I would see my father joining his hands in Namaste to everyone, irrespective of their rank or status. I used to wonder why. I much later understood his humility. Today I deal with 1,700 staff and I want to be able to give them the due respect every indivual deserves.”
Today he shares a strong work mantra and partnership with his daughter Megha who is actively pursuing the business and will eventually take it forward. Megha has been ‘trained’ in business and made to understand every nuance starting as a base level trainee in 2008. Today they share a dynamic understanding and collaborative approach towards the vision and growth of BL Conglomerate.
Basant Chaudhary is excited about the future watching keenly the emergence of startups and new business ventures. “The new generation entrepreneurs are so advanced in their throught processes and business approach. I am only concerned about the degrading value of business.Money alone should not be the primary focus,” he shares. In general he sees huge potential in sectors like agriculture, health and education.
Almost 60, Chaudhary has recently initiated a project to provide technical skills, necessary technology and improved seeds to farmers of eight districts with buy back guarantee of the harvest. This is something which will enable the farmers and is something he wants to expand further. In the health sector, he has plans for a super specialiality cancer hospital with an investment of Rs 1 billion ever as he continue to upgrade the capacity of Norvic. He is also expanding in the education sector. Consolidation is now the key for BL Conglomerate and within three years he hopes to adopt a ‘trust’ model for his businesses. According to him, the trust model adopted by successful companies across the world like TATA is the best choice for progressive industrialists like him. “Everything under the trust is the property of nation but not of an individual or group,” he elaborates, “All the people working for the group or trust will be working for themselves because they too will be bonafide owners of the company.” He reveals that the Trust Act currently sits on the shelves of the Parliament, and only the government will determine its fate.
Poetry runs in his veins, Basant Chaudhary is a man of great sensitivity. He is unafraid of failure and will never regret anything he has done. He chooses to live consciously. He feels pain and pride in equal measure and chooses to be able to make a positive difference each time. He is the rare individual that knows happiness and grief all at once.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=".vc_custom_1484822620493{margin-top: 30px !important;margin-bottom: 30px !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;background-color: #e6f8ff !important;}" el_id="Megha-Chaudhary-Shakya"][vc_column][thb_title title="Megha Chaudhary Shakya (MD, Norvic International Hospital)"][thb_image animation="animation top-to-bottom" image="2435" img_size="full"][thb_gap height="20"][vc_column_text]

How did you come into business?
I came into business at a very early age in the year 2008. My father made me work from the base level as a trainee. I went around various departments to learn about each ones functioning. I wanted to become an interior designer before but business was in my destiny and I chose it.When business is received in legacy, is it more difficult?
It is a blessing. When you have business legends like my father to guide you at every step, its butter walk.What has you father’s influence been on your life and work?
My father is my idol. He has influenced my life in every way. Be it in my upbringing, my studies, my work, my marriage and my parenthood, and it shall continue for ever.What are your key achievements with Norvic?
Norvic has taught me a lot in these years. I have achieved the power of taking decisions, saying no, art of negotiation, art of planning and execution. My ongoing achievement is leadership under my father.What does success mean to you?
Success to me means being able to execute my vision and dreams into action and reality.How do you create work-life balance?
I have a wonderful set of parents, husband and in-laws who have given me all the freedom and encouragement to work. I have a lovely daughter who gives me encouragement to balance my life between her and my work. What more can I ask for from life?What has been your father’s greatest lesson to you in business?
My father has taught me that it is not important to be the best, but it is most important to try your best. I have learned from him that before pointing a finger at someone we should always go to the depth of the issue and be 100 percent sure about ourselves. He also has taught me that time is most precious and it waits for noone. I also have learnt from him that there is no bigger wealth in this world than parents and family. Money is secondary. The list is endless.Three things that you absolutely love about your father…
He has a killer personality. He is a man with golden heart, words and wisdom. He is the best father any daughter can ever have.Do you have plans for any new ventures?
I do have plans of extending extra services at Norvic that are not on the list right now like a mother and child centre, centre for cancer, cosmetic centre, IVF centre.Almost all of your family members are in business. Does this change the dynamics of family relationship?
Despite all my family members being in business we still have a very close relationship with each other because we respect each others time, status, work and nature of business. When it comes to family time, everyone makes it their first priority.How important is it for you to have an individual identity than be recognised by the family you belong to?
I have been known by my fathers name and that’s a big honor. My identity has been carved by my father. Whatever I am right now is all because of him. He sowed the seeds of my identity.What is your business mantra?
Stick to your principles and always concentrate on meeting your goals and targets.How important is financial freedom to a woman from your perspective?
Very important. Financial freedom gives a woman her identity, her status and self respect.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Published Date: January 19, 2017, 12:00 am
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