Mon, March 3, 2025

NMB Bank bags ‘The Bank of the Year 2020’ thrice in four years

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NMB Bank has been awarded the prestigious ‘Bank of the Year 2020’ by The Banker, The Financial Times, London, the third award in four years. The Bank has had a remarkable growth trajectory evidently reflected in the growth in its balance sheet size and its balanced network expansion that covers urban-semi urban and rural corners of the country. NMB has positioned itself as the bank that does things differently and translated the same in its core focus areas: Renewable Energy, Agriculture, MSMEs/SMEs, and Digitization. The Bank’s drive to promote Sustainable Value Based Banking in allegiance to its membership of the Global Alliance for Banking on Value has seen the Bank achieve international membership including that of the steering committee member of Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) joining a league of international banks like ABN Amro and Morgan Stanley amongst others. NMB today is the most preferred Nepali bank for international institutions for extension of credit lines as a result the Bank is able to usher in FDI at critical times. NMB is also one of the leading banks to implement Environmental And Social Risk Management Policy that seeks to mitigate environment and social risks caused by businesses. The Bank of the Year award defines for banking excellence globally. The winners are judged on the basis of their ability to deliver returns to shareholders, bank’s financial performance, shareholder value, customer initiative, amongst others parameters. “We are delighted to have won the award for the third time in four years; it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, the trust bestowed on us by our customers, regulators, the guidance of the NMB Board and support from all stakeholders. Our efforts during Covid 19 to ensure that our customers receive uninterrupted services through our digital and omni channel platforms that have set industry standards and our efforts to support the communities where we operate in these crucial times have all contributed to the Bank’s success,” reads a statement issued by the Bank.
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