Mon, February 24, 2025

Schools to be closed from Tuesday; prescheduled exams to be continued with strict health safety measures

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KATHMANDU: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) has decided to shut down all the basic and secondary schools in the country from January 11 to 29. With the emergence of the third wave of Covid 19 in the country, the COVID-19 Crisis Management Coordination Centre (CCMCC) on Sunday recommended the government shut down schools until January 29. A meeting of the CCMCC made this recommendation after the recent spike of Covid 19 infections and the spread of the omicron variant. The Ministry decided to implement the recommendation of closing schools coinciding with the winter vacation. Currently, some schools have already announced winter vacation while others are running examinations. The Ministry has also urged all the parents to contact their children's school and send their children aged 12 to 17 years to the nearby vaccination centre for the vaccine against Covid 19. Likewise, the academic institutions and universities conducting prescheduled exams have been told to apply health precautions amid the rising cases of coronavirus and organise the seats at the examination hall in the letter "Z" pattern. The Ministry has asked the educational institutions to arrange for the student's learning activities following the Learning Facilitation Directive, 2077. READ ALSO:
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