Wed, October 2, 2024

Swiss delegation meets FM Khadka, Province 1 CM Rai

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KATHMANDU: Ambassador Patricia Danzi, Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) together with Barbara Böni, Head of South Asia on October 14 paid an official visit to Nepal to discuss cooperation between the two countries and acknowledge the long-standing bilateral relations. The Swiss high-level delegation met with Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Khadka, Province 1 Chief Minister Rajendra Kumar Rai, Bhojpur Municipality Mayor Kailash Kumar Ale and Deputy Mayor Nirmala Sherpa and other stakeholders, in Kathmandu. The main topic of discussion was understanding the partnership between Switzerland and Nepal. The delegation also visited Province 1 to observe Swiss-supported projects — Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET), safer migration, trail and motorable bridges, market systems development, small irrigation as well as a Covid 19 response project. They held interactions on Switzerland’s contribution to provincial and local government on the implementation of the Constitution. [caption id="attachment_29842" align="alignnone" width="1000"] Swiss delegation led by Ambassador Patricia Danzi, Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) meets local representatives in a village in Province 1, on Sunday, October 16, 2022.[/caption] Ambassador Patricia Danzi, Director General for SDC said, “When I look back at this trip, what will stay with me are a lot of impressions and how we translate strategies into action and what it means for the Nepali people. Switzerland is present in Nepal for over 60 years, adapting our support to the needs of the country at a speed that Nepal decided we should." She said, "During my trip, I witnessed many changes — one being how the federal system of Nepal has become very active with the federal, provincial and local governments working together. As Switzerland supports Nepal in the implementation of the Constitution, we are a partner that becomes more and more catalytic in making this actually happen.” With the implementation of the Constitution, Switzerland is focused to support Nepal in the implementation of federalism and economic development. To support Nepal’s continued progress in poverty reduction, Switzerland will support the three tiers of the government as per its constitutional mandate. Switzerland supports Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nepal to expand markets as a condition for job and income creation through access to enhanced skills and market opportunities. READ ALSO:  
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September 2024

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