Wed, October 2, 2024

SAWDF starts training programme for women entrepreneurs

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KATHMANDU: South Asian Women Development Forum (SAWDF) in collaboration with UNESCAP, Bangkok has initiated a training programme on ‘E-Commerce and Digital Marketing Capacity Building for Women Entrepreneurs’. The training partners for the programme are the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs' Associations of Nepal (FWEAN), the Federation of Nepali Cottage and Small Industries (FNCSI), Manushi, and the Federation of Business and Professional Women Nepal (FBPWN). DARAZ, Nepal is the knowledge partner for the programme. The training programme will focus on 300 women entrepreneurs who are registered as SMEs, with access to information and communication technology. The main objective of the training is to build the capacity and skills of women entrepreneurs in e-commerce and digital marketing. SAWDF has successfully organised five training programmes for women entrepreneurs with 25 to 30 participants in each session and training of trainers (ToT) session with 25 participants in Kathmandu. The inaugural session was graced by Secretary at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Baikuntha Aryal. He praised the initiation undertaken by SAWDF to upscale the knowledge of women entrepreneurs through digitalisation.  He advised women to take advantage of the opportunities offered by cutting-edge information technology to support their entrepreneurship and added that the ministry will always cooperate and facilitate issues related to information and technology that are necessary for women entrepreneurs. The ministry will take necessary initiatives to provide legal and policy level assistance to women entrepreneurs to help them connect with information technology. SAWDF President, Pramila Acharya Rijal addressed the session and spoke about the importance of e-commerce and digital marketing citing that the Covid 19 pandemic has made it absolutely necessary to promote businesses through online platforms. Furthermore, SAWDF in collaboration with UNESCAP, Bangkok has initiated a research project on ‘Bridging the gender divide in the digital ecosystem for women entrepreneurs in Nepal’. The main objective of the study is to identify gaps in their access to the digital ecosystem, such as infrastructure constraints, socio-cultural hurdles, and capacity issues, as well as future recommendations for addressing those gaps. A total of 1000 respondents will be selected for the study as a sample size from four different provinces of Nepal including Mountain, Hilly and Tarai (plain) regions. For a comparative study, the sample's respondents will come from both urban and rural areas. The study is expected to be completed within the next six months. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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