Wed, October 2, 2024

EC asks political parties to register for upcoming November 20 elections

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KATHMANDU: The Election Commission (EC) has asked the political parties to register to take part in the November 20 parliamentary and provincial elections. The registration under both the first-past-the-post system and the proportional system should be completed from August 7 to 16, according to the EC. The political parties that were registered with the EC as of August 4 in line with Article 271 of the Constitution are eligible to register for the polls. For this, they should submit applications to the election commission office and a sample application can be found on EC's website, said the EC. Those applying for the registration should specify details of a political party, its central executive committee, number of office bearers and members of province and district committee, date for submitting annual audit report and the latest election of the party's central and provincial level executive committee. There should be separate applications for member of the House of Representatives, and member of the Province Assembly of seven provinces, said the EC's joint spokesperson Surya Prasad Aryal. Two or more political parties applying to participate in the election by taking a common electoral symbol as per Clause 49 of the Political Parties Act, 2073 should apply for the registration as per the Political Parties Regulation 2074, he said. For the party registration, the EC office will remain open on public holidays too, said the EC. By RSS READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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