Tue, October 1, 2024

Gulf Lubricant Dealer’s Meet-2022 concludes

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KATHMANDU: Nepal Lube Oil, the licensee of Gulf International, which manufactures and distributes Gulf Lubricants in Nepal, has recently concluded its dealer's meet programme with the theme "Challenges Ignites Success." More than 50 dealers from the country and representatives from Gulf Oil International, Gulf Oil India, and Nepal Lube Oil participated in the two-day programme held in Nepalgunj. The programme aimed to motivate the dealers and align them with the following year's road map. On the occasion, the best-performing dealers under various categories were awarded. Speaking at the programme, Karan Chaudhary, Executive Director of Nepal Lube Oil, said, " For the past few years, businesses have been facing one or another disturbance due to external factors. Even in these challenging times, our dealers have shown resilience and, with innovation and hard work, have ensured that Gulf is the number one selling brand in Nepal." He expressed his gratitude to all the dealers and team for the effort for the same." The gulf is a world-renowned brand known for its quality and innovation. Its product ranges from automotive to Industrial Sector. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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