Wed, October 2, 2024

FLCEN in collaboration with HAN launches Wah! Alaichi campaign

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KATHMANDU: Federation of Large Cardamom Entrepreneurs of Nepal (FLCEN) in collaboration with Hotel Association Nepal (HAN) has launched Wah! Alaichi campaign. The campaign is supported by the Province 1 Ministry of Agriculture and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). [gallery link="file" size="full" columns="1" ids="26935,26938"] The campaign focuses on raising awareness and increasing the use and consumption of Nepali large cardamom among domestic and commercial consumers. This campaign is expected to enhance the traditional value of Nepali large cardamom and its usage in Nepali dishes as an important ingredient, and increase the economic advantage. MasterChef: The Professionals winner Santosh Shah is the brand ambassador for the Wah! Alaichi campaign that will curate special recipes to promote Nepali large cardamom in the domestic market. In addition, the campaign will also provide a platform for young aspiring apprentices and Chefs to enhance their culinary skills and use Nepali large cardamom innovatively. Globally Nepal is the largest producer of large cardamom. Around 6,600 metric tonnes of large cardamom are produced in the country. It is the main source of income for farmers in Eastern Nepal. However, the domestic use of Nepali large cardamom has not increased, rather it is being substituted by green cardamom imported from countries like Guatemala and India. In 2021, the import of green cardamom was 564 metric tonnes while the consumption of Nepali large cardamom in the domestic market was less than 100 tonnes.  Similarly, Nepali consumers are also paying a higher price for green cardamom which is currently retailed between Rs 400 and 500 for 100 grams compared to Rs 100 and 150 for 100 grams of Nepali large cardamom. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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