Tue, October 1, 2024

Australia to support Nepal’s effort to end trafficking

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KATHMANDU: Australian Ambassador to Nepal, Felicity Volk, said everyone has to take responsibility and every nation should take action to end human trafficking and slavery. She stressed the need for collective efforts for the same and said no government and no nation can meet the challenge of human trafficking and slavery alone. The Ambassador announced new Australian funding to support Nepal's endeavours to end trafficking and human slavery. Trafficking and slavery are barbaric, she said and added it is evil and has no place in a civilised world. She was speaking at a consultation on "the Status of the Palermo Protocol post its Ratification" organised jointly by The Asia Foundation and Forum for Women Law and Development (FWLD) on Thursday evening. Also speaking at the programme, Chairperson of the Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee of the Federal Parliament Krishna Bhakta Pokhrel said concerned authorities must ensure their duty to implement the protocol and the commitment made in the international forum. Following a directive from the Committee, an action plan for the implementation of the protocol has been developed by the Home Ministry, which should now work as the foundation for the implementation of the protocol. Nepal ratified the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (2000) in 2020. Founder Chairperson of Shakti Samuha, Charimaya Tamang, called for the amendment of laws and formulation of necessary laws as per the protocol, victim-centric approach while dealing with survivors, procedure on rescue and repatriation and bilateral agreements between governments and coordination between concerned authorities. Under-secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs Basant Bhattarai and Head of Human Trafficking and Transportation Control Section at the Ministry of Women Children and Senior Citizen Meena Poudel shed light on the efforts taken by their respective ministries in controlling and preventing human trafficking and transportation. FWLD Executive Director Sabin Shrestha said the FWLD in collaboration with the Asia Foundation and funding of Australian Aid will work on the implementation of the Palermo Protocol and strengthening of legislation. The FWLD will also work on the formulation of necessary provincial laws along with the capacity building of concerned authorities. READ ALSO:
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September 2024

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